Saturday, October 27, 2007

Nearly Halloween!

Thats the ONLY excuse I can find for making this:

Saw Scarf

Otherwise... its..... um...

(Thank you to Kelebek for this one!!).


  1. Maybe it's weird taken out of context, but if you know the designer's work, it makes perfect sense.

  2. I can't say I agree with you guys on this one... It is okay to crochet "out of the box" sometimes.

  3. Lady Linoleum,the owner of Monster Crochet (the blog where the saw comes from) is one of the coolest designers for crochet.

    I love love the stuff she makes...the crocheted eyeballs, the Turkeyzilla Tote Bag, The Inebriated Bunny hat...

    She's one of the most creative designers on the internet. The Bloody Saw is not fugly, it's just cool.

    I wont be surprised if you dont post my comment, since the last few comments I've written were never posted.

  4. I am not even sure I would want it for Halloween. lol

    I have to give them credit for imagination but that's about it

  5. LOL... As soon as I saw this, I knew who the designer was. You've gotta get to know Lady Linoleum of Monster Crochet. She has such a fun, quirky style.

    And if you think this is interesting, you really should check out her crocheted eyeballs, Jolly Roger shawl, Gollum hat, Turkeyzilla tote bag and the Vegetable Liberation army.

    And for the record... I would TOTALLY make this scarf! What fun October-wear.

  6. I think its fair to say that this was made for someone to wear when trick or treating, I think its a really clever design, perhaps a few crocheted severed fingers would well with it. :) its amazing what you can do with a hook and yarn aint it! :)

  7. At first I thought it was just a Hallowe'en decoration. Upon realizing that it is, in fact, a scarf, I decided I must personally disagree and argue that there is no excuse at all for it.

    I mean, once you have it around your neck, would it even look like a saw anymore?

  8. That's just *wrong*!

  9. [...] Not to Crochet: Nearly Halloween!- maybe i’m just too big a fan of horror movies, but i think this scarf is totally [...]

  10. Wow. I used to like this blog, but I'm increasingly thinking that you all are losing your sense of humor. Time to take this off Bloglines...

  11. Porcelain Restoration TechnicianOctober 28, 2007 at 4:19 AM

    I was deeply touched by this crocheted cross saw(?) It sort of reminded me of a distant uncle who was a Lumber Jack by day and cross dresser by nite. Yes, dear old uncle sawyer. I admire anyone who would take the time to lovingly preserve the symbols of bygone days. In 100% Synthetic yarn. Roc on!!

  12. It's not everyone's cup 'o tea but you just have to know Lady Linoleum and her out-of-the-box style. I personally think she's awesome!!! There's items meant (by the designer) to be seriously stylish and then there's items meant to be fun & freaky. This is fun & freaky!!

  13. Love Monster CrochetOctober 28, 2007 at 7:34 AM

    Can't say I agree with you. Wheneverything is so "designer" I love Lady L's ideas. Very imaginative. I'm buying the pattern to make for my niece who's into Goth...I know she'll love it and appreciate it.

  14. the girls were just lapsOctober 28, 2007 at 3:09 PM

    Okay, there is a difference between tongue-in-cheek and plain bad taste... Lady Linoleum's pieces are practically physical manifestations of the thought "you know what would be weird? [fill in here: tomatoes with eyeballs, roaster chickens in bikinis, a band of vegetable vigilantes...] I wonder if I can crochet that?"

    And then she does.

    And the results are hilarious.

    The difference between the saw scarf and the yeti boots (for example) is that the House of Linoleum Couture doesn't take itself seriously at all, while that boot model was hired for a legitimate job, by someone who said "Oh yeah... these are going to be EVERYWHERE this winter."

  15. I am a total Lady Linoleum fan, and though I totally get the creep factor, the woman is an artist. In truth, I wouldn't wrap myself in blood-toothed saws, but I applaud this crazy corncobs-with-eyeballs queen.

  16. I really like Lady Linoleum's pieces. She's really creative and does some pretty wicked, slightly twisted, very amazing things. The turkey shoulder bag, the severed fingers, the wickedly awesome pirate shawl (which I would soooo love!!!)...

    Check out the rest of her stuff and see what her ongoing theme/style is. Maybe then you'll look at things differently.

    It's so fun!!! :D

  17. Can't agree with you on this belonging here. Lady Linoleum is one of the most creative crochet designers out there and I love her work.

    She's not afraid to think out of the box and be playful with her designs!

  18. I dunno... I kinda like this one in a Halloween context. Though I'm wondering how one would use this - wouldn't it be way floppy?

  19. I would like to add a comment to those wondering about sense of humor. This blog has MULTIPLE opinions. That means some patterns you are going to go, "Augh, get it away!", and some you are going to wonder why they are here.

    That's part of the fun! I enjoy hearing all the opinions, even the ones of people that like what they see. It gives us all different viewpoints and sometimes even makes me think a little.

    If you are finding too many things you like, stick around, tell us WHY you like them and eventually they will get to your idea of fug again.

    I am not associated with this blog in any way, btw, I just have been disenheartened with some of the comments.

  20. Lady Linoleum,the owner of Monster Crochet (the blog where the saw comes from) was featured in Crochet Today Nov/Dec 07

  21. To the person who asked about if it would look floppy if someone was wearing it:

    Shellie, you're disheartened with some of the comments why? I don't think there's been anything mean or hostile about anyone's expressions here.

  22. I agree with Shellie.
    If we can't all agree on one definition of "fugly" then we will eventually have to see something that we like (or have actuall made) listed as fug. Then we sit and shake our heads and say, "You have no taste, this really is good."
    It reminds me of book snobs, they call what they don't like "trash" or "garbage" and refuse to acknowledge that there may be any redeeming factors to romance... errr other types of literature.
    That said, I wouldn't make a saw scarf, but would probably chuckle appreciatively if someone wearing one walked by.

  23. Dawna, I meant the comments where people are complaining because what is displayed is not their idea of fug and so they are going to leave.

    I know its their option but it seems rather silly when this site is all about opinions! Some we will actually like and some will agree should never be crocheted.

  24. I LOVE this saw/scarf and actually, yes I did, PURCHASE her pattern and am in the process of making this for my teenage daughter! She loves it and so do I! I would happily purchase a book of Lady Li's patterns if and when she writes one!

  25. haha! this is great! I TOTALLY bought this pattern from Lady L and crocheted it and wore it to work yesterday. I love it, I think it's so awesome and creative. And my co-workers thought it was quite awesome as well.

    And I'll wear it when it's not Halloween! I totally agree that many times things made tongue-in-cheek that don't take themselves too seriously are the best works of art. Theres a huge difference between this and some of the other fug I've seen on what not to crochet.


  26. I took it to my local stitch n bitch to make the week before halloween, actually, and it was a great conversation piece. It was going to be my halloween costume, but I'm still working on my 'blood.' I like crocheting weird original stuff so much more than boring old crap every mother over the age of 40 does. Let's praise the originality, even if you don't like it. You people didn't think of it. Think of something cool and creative!!! I saw in 'Make' magazine a knitted scarf that looked like 'police line' tape, and thought it was awesome. Make someone's head turn, or make them laugh. Who cares. But lets not criticize as much. Rock on Linolium lady!

  27. Her work is awesome!

  28. Isn't there something more thoughtful that can be said about Lady Lin than "she thinks outside the box"? Is that really where our creative spark comes from - Oh I think I'll do something a little "different" today, but tomorrow I'll jump right back in that "box" again. Good grief.

  29. I have to say, Lady Linoleum is one of my all time fave designers. Her creativity and wit are fabulous- and so are her creations!

  30. Lady Linoleum is one of my favorite designers, and I wish I were as creative as she is. I bought this scarf as soon as I figured out where she put it on her sidebar. I plan on making several, because when I emailed the picture to my friends (Look what I found!!) I got several requests for one.

  31. It's not for me, but I do like Lady Linoleum's work. She does some great stuff. I would never even think of this for a scarf, but it is interesting.
    I'd make it if somebody asked for it, but for me, I'll stick with a chenille scarf....

  32. Must it be all granny squares and shell patterns? This is just plain rad. Although, a few eyeballs wouldn't hurt...

  33. I'm all over this design, in fact I am going after work to buy the yarn to make it, if you can't wear a bloody saw scarf what has this world come to?

  34. You know, the premise for the site is kind of sad... why would you limit what you crochet? Makes me cry.

  35. Lady Li is a amazing artist. She comes up with the neatest ideas. Love the scarf, love the idea, not FUG in my book by any means.

  36. I miss the good ole fug that was really fugtastic; you know, period stuff from vintage 60's and 70's craft magazines.
    Now it seems more like an incremental definition of personal taste.
    My taste is different, I love the saw scarf, Oh well...

  37. I love Lady Lenolium's work, she's fun and always surprising me with her creativity. The saw is very much her artistic style and in my personal opinion I find her patterns much more wearable then most of the currently published crochet patterns.

  38. Well, its interesting. I guess its a scarf. A goth would probably wear it. I'm going to have to look up this lady limolium person and check out her stuff.

  39. Oh wow, is that real;ly supposed to be a scarf. i don't think it would be recognizable as that once it was wrapped around your neck.

  40. Clearly Sci Fi Crochet!November 10, 2007 at 9:38 PM

    Warped in a wonderful wacky way!!!!! This would be really cool to make, and then wear it nonchalantly, and let the people freak!!

  41. [...] NY office, unbeknownst to me, I (or rather this lovely example of crochetdom) became the center of heated controversy. Many of you sent me emails alerting me to my new found outlaw [...]

  42. yeah... um... i wouldn't of dissed this one... this is an awesome creation!

  43. Wait a minute, didn't you JUST say this:
    We don't pick on people’s home grown stuff - unless its a published pattern or for sale on eBay. There’s a lot of love that goes into those home grown pieces and so that makes them exempt…

    I know she offers the pattern for sale on her website, but come on. It's hardly "published." Be a little consistent please?

  44. Posting her picture on your blog is probably copyright infringement. The least that you could have done was post where you took the picture from.

  45. How Stephen King-ish.
