Sunday, July 23, 2006


To go with the outfit below in case you wanted to match! Doesn't the model look a bit mischievous like "geez, I really had to wear this to get the paycheque but wow, it's hideous isn't it?? But shhhhh, I won't say anything if you don't!"

The pattern says it will take about 2 hours to make - not sure it's worth that much time if this is the end product!


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Leave it to Lionbrand

Ya, there's no title for this pattern, however, it's contained in a pattern book called "Fur, Fur & More Fur" because as we all know, there's just not enough Fun Fur in the world!

And to insult all crocheters our there - it's meant for "fashion conscious crocheters".

Of course we haven't done any Fun Fur for awhile but this one deserved some attention.

Poor thing - it can't be comfortable to wear!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Gourmet Lisette Sweater Shawl

Lacy pineapple crochet? Doesn't this look like the designer grabbed her Granny's doily off the table and wrapped it around her shoulders and made it seem like it might be a shawl? And what is a sweater shawl exactly? I don't see anything "sweater-ish" about this shawl at all - it's just "doily-ish". Leave the doilies on the tables folks! That's where they belong! All those huge ruffles in the front too - what kind of effect does that really have except to add bulk to the wearer? I bet it gets caught in everything too.

Not a shock they couldn't find a live model to showcase this item - only the mannequin had no idea what was actually being worn. I bet all the live models ran in the other direction when they saw it.

Saturday, July 8, 2006

Christmas Tree Wraps

What do you make of this wrap? It reminds me of Christmas tree tinsel. Just what kind of yarn is that? I'm not even sure how it's crocheted?

Stylish? Well, not so much...more like Christmas-y. It really should be wrapped around a tree as garnish to get the true effect it's looking for.

The model's big toothy grin won't distract us either...and neither will holding out the shawl to make it seem like it's actually nice.

I wonder if she got tangled in it at all either putting it on, holding it or taking it off?!

Sunday, July 2, 2006


Is it just me or does the model look terrified? And an 80s hairstyle too... I didn't realize crocheting in the round would lead to pasties...LOL! So bad and the site selling them says they are good for an "alternative to going topless"....well, what the heck, you're so is a teeny bit of material going to make any difference? Ouch getting these on and off too...just what exactly do you use to hold them on? LOL!

Poor thing...she looks like she's just hating this whole photo shoot too...almost angry to have to paste these things on. I won't even get into the bottom half. One dip in the water and the whole thing is coming off!

Thanks to Kim for submitting this to WNTC!