Friday, November 4, 2005


I must say, this need to use Fun Fur for EVERYTHING is getting ridiculous! Here's the pattern if you so desire to make these lovely earrings yourself:

EARRING - make 2 (no sh*t Sherlock on the 2)

Attach yarn around earring hoop, chain 1, single crochet closely and evenly around ring (22 single crochets for 1 1/4" [3 cm] hoop), slip stitch in first single crochet to join. Fasten off. Weave in ends.

Fun Fur EarringsAll you crocheters out there, since when does 22 single crochets make a pattern? Just how inept do you have to be to finish this pattern and call it a crochet creation? Not to mention just how hideous they are. I swear Fun Fur will do ANYTHING to get their yarn out there and to think you would have to buy at least one ball of Fun Fur to make these earrings too...for 22 single crochets on each ear and that's a grand total of 44 single crochets for a pattern! I wonder just how stupid the Fun Fur establishment thinks crocheters are?

This is embarassing to the whole craft!


  1. You know how old men get hair growing out of their ears?

    This looks like that (only in TECHNICOLOR!). This is not a look I would want to cultivate, nor can I imagine any woman wanting to give off that impression.

  2. oh dear dog.
    there is nothing to say except 'wookie chic'

  3. either that or its those vampirical moths again, darn them.

  4. Any jewelry that may have to be laundered or dry-cleaned later has ceased to be jewelry and becomes a source of sartorial confusion. Further, even the lightest-weight yarn would still add so much heft to these bad boys that they'd tear open your piercings!

    Unless, of course, that's YOUR idea of fun fashion. . .

  5. For some reason I started thinking that if you went fishing and ran out of lures... well, you could always pull one of them (or both) out and have at it...

  6. For the female fly fisher in your life.

    Who alread has a whole tacklebox full of these. Couldn't she just take two of her hooks and flies and poke them into her ears?

    The only improvement with these is that you're less likely to get an infection. And I think I'd take the damned infection.

  7. and she's all smug with purple mold growing out of her ears and down her neck...

  8. Some people might only have one ear....
