Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Granny Square Dog Sweater

Every once in awhile it can't be helped - we'll be popping
by when we have a moment - see below for
another "what were they thinking?":

Thanks to the new blog contributors too - more
authors should keep the blog "fresh" and the fug flowing.


  1. 1. it's a square tied around the dogs neck and belly.
    2. why does it have to be that "LOVELY" shade of green?

    No thanks

  2. that poor poor dog... not only is the concept fugly, but the color is too!

    at least it's not hot pink...

  3. UGH Its not only a totally unattractive design, its a horrible green! I like green but I am not sure what to call THAT color!

  4. I would NEVER, NEVER do that to my dog!

  5. the dog seems happy enough about it though. maybe it is both cold and colorblind.

  6. The only thing uglier than the baby sh*t green they used it the color they made it out of.

  7. Maybe it's the dog's favorite color. :oP

  8. Well, some dogs do need to be covered up in the cooler weather, even if we think it looks dumb. This is probably made like this so it's easy to get on and off the dog. However, having said that, this is an ugly colour and ugly dog.
