Monday, February 12, 2007

Free Form Fall Hat

Just because you get to see all
sides of the fug (wait for it to rotate)
and because we haven't chosen anything
off "Amazing Crochet" for awhile.

They never seem to let us down
everytime we visit for a submission.


  1. That has got to be one of the most repelling things I have ever seen. Looks like something threw up yarn refuse on her head.

  2. It's a double-duty hat! Wearable and bathtub-scrubable. Could they not find a real human with a low enough self-esteem to model this monstrosity?

  3. Well one thing is for sure. I AM amazed ;}

  4. Just went to their website and they want $48 for this thing! Looks like a granny square afghan from the 1970's recycled into a hat

  5. Reminds me of anatomy class when we studied the brain, in full color! Big gross out.

  6. This is free form. This is also your brain on free form. Call our toll free help line for the help you need to save you from this addiction.

  7. Sweet Madre Dios! What in the name of fiber is THAT? Maybe it wouldn't sear your retinas so bad if it was a different color, but as it is, that would make a blind person scream in agony.

  8. I can't tell what each piece is supposed to be. Is that a heart or a flower or a model of the small intestine looped around the top? And what is up with the color choices?! Ack! Double ack!

  9. Amazing Crochet never disappoints. But she really topped herself this time. Next time that chick makes something, she really ought to ask herself "Would anyone buy this is anything but a gag gift?"

  10. Reminds me of Star Trek.


  11. My two-year-old son, who thinks that insect-print pajama bottoms and an Elmo sweatshirt look really cool together, thinks this is an ugly hat.

  12. It's funny how the photo tells us which side is the front, top, back. I suppose you wouldn't want to shame yourself by wearing this backwards. As if there'd be any way to wear this hat without shame.

  13. wow. just wow. it's hard to believe somebody would try to sell this for $48. but if it sells, can I get the buyer's name because I can sell him/her something to go with that - bunny poop, cat barf, something....

  14. please tell me what threw up on her head?

  15. has anyone noticed that free-formers have this unnatural love of fun fur, boa, and metallic yarns?

    and i agree... it looks like you could scrub a bathtub with it. it would remove lime scale with ease!

    it also looks like someone turned their scrap stash into a hat and didn't think much about the final result!

  16. Oh thank goodness someone has taken up the fug again. I was going through withdrawl symptoms after "you knit what??" went away.. thankyouthankyouthankyou.....
    and I actually think everything looks hideous on plastic model heads, it might not be so bad on a human head....not that I want to model it, mind you.

  17. There's a elderly mentally ill woman who rides the bus around here, and this looks like one of the hats she wears.

  18. In a world of false advertising, you cannot fault them
    for not living up to their name!

  19. I vote on the Valentine sweater from their site..

  20. This is what happens when the Cheshire Cat coughs up a hairball.

  21. Ok, this is cool, I do like this hat, its got lots of color and its creative, I like it.
